IHP1 » Indian Housing Plan Reporting
This form meets the requirements for an Indian Housing Plan (IHP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
required by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition to these requirements,
a tribe or tribally designated housing entity (TDHE) may elect to prepare a more comprehensive IHP.
If a tribe or TDHE elects to prepare a more comprehensive IHP, the required elements of this IHP
must still be submitted on the prescribed HUD form. The information requested does not lend itself
to confidentiality. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form,
unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
Regulatory and statutory citations are provided throughout this form as applicable.
Recipients are encouraged to review these citations when completing the IHP and APR sections of the form.
Under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination
Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.), HUD will provide grants, loan guarantees,
and technical assistance to Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages for the development
and operation of low-income housing in Indian areas. Grants will be made to eligible
recipients under the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. To be eligible for the grants,
recipients must submit an IHP that meets the requirements of the Act.
Recipients with
additional questions about the IHP/APR form should contact their Area Office of Native
American Programs (Area ONAP).
Award List
Please begin the reporting process
by selecting an Award. Please contact your Area ONAP Grants
Management Director if you do not have access to a specific
Award in the Award List below.