Welcome I

Welcome to the Lead Rule Compliance Advisor. This Advisor was designed to present the requirements of the Lead Safe Housing Rule (LSHR). By analyzing your responses to a short number of questions, the Advisor generates a report of project-specific requirements that can be saved on your computer in a word-processing program or printed for the file. Along the way, the Advisor provides links to related resources including a glossary, related regulations, guidance, and sample forms used by many programs and field staff to implement the LSHR’s requirements. By using the Advisor, HUD field staff will be better able to provide accurate and consistent guidance to HUD grantees and program participants, and to monitor their lead-related activities.
Using the Advisor
Please note that you must complete these questions in one sitting or "session." The Advisor does not store your answers. If you close your browser or navigate away from the Advisor you will be required to start again from the beginning.
To transition from one screen to the next in the Advisor you must select one of the available answers and click the Next button at the bottom of the screen. If you do not make a selection, clicking on Next simply will reload the screen—you must select an answer before you can move on. Please note that your results and any external links may open in a new browser window or tab.
For more information on using the Advisor—including advice about compatible screen resolutions and browsers—please see Advisor Help. After using the Advisor please email your feedback to HUD.